Wednesday there was a Latina Breakfast. I never received anything about this breakfast but my Latina neighbor did. She asked me if I was going. I was like, "I didn't get anything, is it just for the Spanish mom?" Which would be fine. She was making a dish.....I don't cook Spanish food and I'm not Latina why would I go? WELL, turns out it was a breakfast with Latina food so ALL was welcome. It was a parent meeting. The PTO moms were there. Now I was just irritated. This was not advertised very well at all. I'm flexible...If it was Latina only FINE! If not then I wanted to come. Because I'm a transfer mom I feel obligated to be at everything possible. Also, I just want to go. Another mom in class, who's daughter was in the same preschool as Mason, said she had a problem with the lack of communication. We felt the same about homework night last week. We had no clue what it was or if it was for us. (us meaning--moms who know how to do homework) The school has also sent home some fundraisers. One has vague info. Grandparents picture day is next Friday but we don't know what time. It's not on the brochure. The book fair is next week. I have no clue what day or if it's open to the pubic. The catalog said, "Come to our book fair". Okay great, I will.....but when is it? I don't want to find out the day before. I assume I will have to send him with money. I want to go so I can buy some Spanish books. I sure they will have them. I attended the first PTO meeting (Parent Teacher Organization) and I read somewhere they meet the first Wednesday of every month. Latina breakfast would have been that day. So it made since the PTO president and others were there. My neighbor filled me in on what I missed. They are supposed to have another meeting for those who didn't make it. And they are planning a fall festival. The first one in 5 yrs! The neighbor has already got 3 local Mexican restaurants involved to make donations. She said it will be a very Spanish fall festival since most of the school has a large number of Hispanic students. It's going to be awesome, I'm so excited! I want to help and I want to be involved. I just need a little help. I have never done this before. Plus, me and the other mom came from a school that always made sure we knew everything and was up-to-date. So maybe I'm just spoiled.
After this weeks homework. I'm bored. So far it's been name/number tracing. Reciting Spanish alphabet sounds, counting in both languages, and what I call 2yr old level worksheets. We were told they would have all year to count to 100. Done! We're there. And Mason can count to 40 in Spanish. In about 2 more weeks he will be able to count to 100 in Spanish. The worksheets are literally cut the number out and paste it on the matching amount of circles. Please! He's been doing this since his 2 yr old class preschool. Now, I know not every kid has the pleasure of private preschool for 3 yrs before Kindergarten but we did. And I'm bored. So yeah, I do feel like the traditional program kids are going to be ahead in reading. But I'm optimistic and patient. I expected this and I believe the benefit will out weigh the risk. After all, I have the option to supplement his learning at home. I think it's time. I asked the husband today to go ahead and wipe out the old computer to put in his room so I can get him started on the websites the teachers recommend (See these in and earlier post). I've already started my Pinterest board. They teach phonics and writing in English. Science, Math, and Social Studies are presented in Spanish. So most of my "Pins" are those subjects. I completely understand that the Hispanic kids are starting at the very bottom of it all--ABC123--and it's going to take some time for them to get where we are. FYI--if this blog is choppy it's because my son keeps coming in here needing help with something every 2 minutes and if you're wondering where I have time to blog this--I don't, I get disturbed--I just have to do it. Anyway, so I'm finding ways to supplement his education. I do feel that Spanish part of the program is challenging enough. He loves it! All week I hear him singing and chanting Spanish songs and alphabet. Being a Spanish enthusiast, I love it as well.
As far as other Kindergarten stuff goes....
Road Runners got rained out. Too bad, I had my shorts on ready to walk fast. Lol! So they spent half an hour in the gym learning procedures like "how to get in line quietly". Very exciting.
Mason was very excited about his trip to the school library this week. They got to check out a book and learn how to borrow a book and take care of it.
Questions? Comments? Anything you want to know that I haven' answered? See pics below! I took a picture of Mason's desk I cleaned off for him. I also provided a picture of some really cool cookies with English and Spanish on them.
I plan to post a video soon of him practicing his Spanish sounds. So come back and read me!
Thank you! Mandy